Industry News
Educators Don’t Agree on What Whole Child Education Means. Here’s Why It Matters.
July 16, 2019
By: Rachel Burstein
Source: EdSurge “How do you judge a person on one bad act that they do and what should be the parameters?” This ethical question formed the center of a thoughtful, deep discussion about an email from the school administration asking teachers to tell students not to “like” a YouTube video posted by […]
Why One Memphis Principal Reads Bedtime Stories to Students via Facebook Live
July 15, 2019
By: Laura Faith Kebede
Source: Chalkbeat What started as a way to give parents a break and excite students about reading has now attracted authors from around the world to send books for Principal Archie Moss to read on Facebook Live. Moss has read bedtime stories every Tuesday night since February when he announced the […]
After 13 Years, Pioneering Autism Research Registry Shuts Down
July 15, 2019
By: Courtney Perkes
Source: Disability Scoop A first-of-its-kind autism registry that collected research data from thousands of families across the country has closed after 13 years and the publication of hundreds of studies on everything from bullying to mood disorders. The Interactive Autism Network, known as IAN, ended operations at the end of June after […]
Where’s the Senate’s Education Spending Bill? Will the Holdup Affect Schools?
July 14, 2019
By: Andrew Ujifusa
Source: Education Week The House spending bills, including an all-time high for federal education aid, have generated a great deal of interest this year. It’s the first time in a decade Democrats control the chamber, and they want to draw sharp distinctions between their priorities and the Trump administration’s. But with all that […]
Reaching the Quiet Kids in Class
July 13, 2019
By: Stacey Roshan
Source: EdSurge As a student, my mindset was that everything needed to be perfect; anything less was unacceptable. Taking the risk to raise my hand in class, when I wanted to contribute my thoughts, was always a challenge for me. But none of my teachers ever seemed to recognize this; or if […]
What It Means When Democratic Frontrunners Say They Support the Strength in Diversity Act
July 11, 2019
By: Kalyn Belsha
Source: Chalkbeat When Senator Kamala Harris and former Vice President Joe Biden sparred on the Democratic primary debate stage, they launched a national conversation about school desegregation and prompted questions about how candidates would tackle the issue as president. Their exchange also raised the profile of legislation known as the Strength in Diversity Act, which […]
Nearly Half of Students Distracted by Technology
July 10, 2019
By: Nick Hazelrigg
Source: Inside Higher Ed A recent survey found the use of technology in class, such as laptops or phones, for noneducational purposes was distracting to almost half of students, while others surveyed believe technology in the classroom is unavoidable. The study was published in the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and surveyed […]
Student Debt Forgiveness Sounds Good. What Might Happen If The Government Did It?
July 10, 2019
By: Clare Lombardo
Source: NPR Americans owe about $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. That’s about twice the current budget for the Defense Department and around 22 times the budget for the Education Department. About one in every six American adults owes money on a federal student loan. So it makes sense that candidates for the 2020 presidential election have […]
Hunger Takes No Summer Break: When School’s Out, the Challenge Is How to Feed More Kids
July 10, 2019
By: Erika Ortiz
Source: NBC News Sweaty after a long, hot day spent playing in the park, more than a dozen children stopped in their tracks and jockeyed for a spot in line outside a recreation center on a recent June evening. They rubbed on hand sanitizer, then walked up to a concession stand window […]
Roughly 17% of Teachers Working Second or Summer Jobs
July 9, 2019
By: Amelia Harper
Source: Education Dive A statistical analysis of National Center for Education Statistics data by the Pew Research Center shows roughly 16% of public school teachers in the United States worked non-school summer jobs in the summer of 2015, and even more — about 18% — held second jobs during the 2015-16 school year, making […]