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Roughly 17% of Teachers Working Second or Summer Jobs

July 9, 2019

By: Amelia Harper

Source: Education Dive

A statistical analysis of National Center for Education Statistics data by the Pew Research Center shows roughly 16% of public school teachers in the United States worked non-school summer jobs in the summer of 2015, and even more — about 18% — held second jobs during the 2015-16 school year, making them three times more likely than workers overall to hold down multiple jobs.

These numbers have remained statistically consistent since the 2007-08 school year when they were first tracked, with teachers who have less experience tending to work supplemental jobs more often. While roughly 30% of teachers with less than one year of experience worked a summer job, that number dropped to 13% by the 15-year mark.

Gender and the grade level of teaching also had an impact, with 26% of male teachers holding a second job during the school year and 24% holding summer jobs compared to 15% of female teachers with second jobs and 13% with summer jobs. Secondary level teachers are also more likely to hold second jobs than their elementary counterparts.

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