After 1,155 Hours Together, a Teacher’s End-Of-Year Letter to Her Students
June 13, 2018
By: Krystal Centinello
Source: Education Week
Dear students,
As the anticipation of summer draws near, I am not yet ready to end our school year together. As your 3rd grade teacher, I feel like I am just beginning to get to know you. It’s been only nine months since we formally met, and we’ve had only 1,155 hours to spend together. In between all of the lessons, projects, tests, and homework assignments, I was also learning about you—who you are and who you have the potential to become.
I think back over our year and remember my initial misconceptions of you. Teachers sometimes base their interactions with students off of first impressions. In taking time to dig deeper—eating lunch and playing together, observing your interactions with others, and really listening to what you had to say—I not only learned how to unlock your potential, but how to enjoy your presence even in the most challenging times. As you leave my classroom for new adventures, here’s what I want you to know.